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Filter products Showing 1 - 21 of 99 results
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Find the Right Winter Floral Packaging for Your Brand

Need winter floral packaging that makes a statement and attracts consumer attention? We offer a wide variety of floral packaging solutions to help you reach your business goals. From floral sheets and sleeves to quicups, accessories, and more, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about us below, or reach out to our team with questions.

Why Choose Us for Your Winter Floral Packaging?

Formerly known as Temkin International, we are a world-renowned hub for floral packaging, pre-press operations, and graphics. Choosing us as your winter floral packaging supplier allows you to get supplies that are tailored to your unique needs. Whether you want a custom option or one of our stock products, we’re here to help. You can customize all of our products in terms of material, size, and print, thanks to our continued investment in cutting-edge packaging technology.

For over 40 years, we’ve been committed to providing quality products to all of our customers. When you order from us, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best products possible. All of our shipments go through thorough inspections before being shipped to your door.

With the rise in consumer eco-consciousness, we also offer sustainable packaging options that minimize environmental impact. From easily recycled materials to mineral paper, stone wrap, and EarthFirst PLA, we carry it all. Additionally, our state-of-the-art machinery reduces environmental impact throughout the manufacturing process. Our laser anilox cleaner reduces energy consumption during the plate cleaning process and our regenerative oxidizer destroys 99% of air pollutants.

When you’re in need of winter floral packaging, trust the provider with 40 years of experience and a world-class reputation. We’d be honored to help you get exactly what you need.

Get the Right Winter Floral Packaging Today

Ready to explore your floral packaging options? Browse our stock products above. If you’d like a customized option, use the contact form below to reach out to our team.
